What To Do With Portable Fire Extinguishers That Have Been Used Or Have Expired

No one expects to experience a fire. Fires can break out unexpectedly in your commercial business, home, car and even your camping vehicles. A fire extinguisher is an invaluable item to have in every situation. Most of us don’t think we’ll ever have to use our portable fire extinguisher – but we all need to know where they are located, how to use them and when to have them serviced, recharged or replaced. Expired portable fire extinguishers Fire extinguishers that have gone past their expiration date should be replaced. Even when there isn’t an expiration date – it is important […]

OSHA Requirements For Portable Fire Extinguishers

There are many OSHA requirements for portable fire extinguishers that businesses may not be aware of and may be surprised to learned.  Here are four of the frequently asked questions associated with these requirements that help explain some of these requirements to help take away some of the mystery surrounding state and federal OSHA requirements for portable fire extinguishers. Does OSHA require businesses to document monthly portable fire extinguisher inspections? OSHA requires a visual inspection of all portable fire extinguishers at least monthly.  There is no OSHA requirement for documentation of monthly inspections.  This should not be confused with mandatory […]